
Fear not (Part 9/30) – God Sees the Future

Jacob is about to take a really big step. Going to a distant country at age 130 – without knowing whether you will even make it that far or what you will encounter there – can be really scary. Jacob, in particular, who always wanted to have control over his life situations and had often planned ahead (unfortunately also using bad methods), realizes that this is not possible now. In addition, the memory that his wife Rachel had died on a journey may have caused him concern. And the negative experience of his grandfather Abraham in Egypt may also have come back to him. A new phase of life with many uncertainties and dangers and without any control over it – that frightened Jacob. And it can frighten us, too.


God encourages him in a very interesting way:

  • First, He introduces Himself to Jacob as ”the God of your father.” His thought could be freely paraphrased, "Jacob, just as I have kept your father, I will also keep you. I have not changed. My care in the past guarantees my care in the future."
  • God then gives Jacob a brief glimpse into the distant future: He would not only take him to Egypt, but Jacob would become a great nation there, which would take several generations. In other words, God shows him the goal, the end of the road. His plan would be completely fulfilled. This encouragement is also valuable for us: God already sees the good end at the beginning of our journey – He always comes to a good destination. Romans 8:28 puts it this way: “For we know that all things work together for good to those who love God.“ We know – it is not a matter of feelings, but of trust in God's promises – that ultimately, everything will lead to God's good purpose. "All will be well" may sound clumsy, but it is ultimately a biblically based consolation. However, "good" is not necessarily what we think is good. It is God's good goal, and it is always better than we imagine.
  • Finally, God also reminds us of what we so often encounter in the Bible in connection with the call "Fear not!": the promise of His presence. We never have to go through a new, terrifying stage of life alone. Moses also received this promise in response to his fear of the overwhelming task of leading the people through the desert. God answered: “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest” (Ex 33:14)

"Don't be afraid of the future. God is already there!" (unknown)


The Lord Jesus tells you today: "If you are facing a phase of life that scares you, you may know that I already see the end and goal of it before Me. My good goal will be reached!"


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