No envy!
Envy is not a very pleasant topic. It appears to us immediately - and exclusively - as a negative quality. And so it is!
A look at the Internet (Wikipedia) provides the following explanation:
"A feeling or attitude in which one person resents or desires the success or possession of another."
So far, so good!
Some examples
- We think of Cain, who envied that God had accepted his brother, Abel's sacrificeA sacrifice/offering to God (or deities in pagan religions) that differed in occasion, purpose, and form. The most important sacrifices required by the Old Testament law include burnt offerings, grain... More. Envy was the cause of the first fratricide.
- We think of Joseph's brothers, who envied their father's favourtism of him over them. Their envy brought misery to both Joseph and Jacob.
- We think of the Jews who, out of envy, betrayed our Lord and tried to crucify Him. Envy became the cause of the worst murder that ever happened.
Envy and Co
Envy is mentioned a few times in the New Testament - in conjunction with other negative characteristics. In Romans 1:29, envy is in the middle of a list of attributes or behaviors such as unrighteousness, malice, covetousness, wickedness, murder, strife, deceitfulness, deceitfulness, and eavesdroppers. In Galatians 5:21, envy is associated with murder, drunkenness, and carousing. Philippians 1:15 associates envy with conflict. Peter mentions envy along with malice, deceit, hypocrisy, and slander.
James gets to the heart of the matter. He writes:
"For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there." (James 3:16)
Far away?
Now, you may be thinking that this subject is not particularly relevant to you. Others have a problem with it. But not you ...
No? Don’t we all envy someone…
- what they have ...
- what they can do ...
- what they are ...
- what they know...
- what they do...
- Someone's fiancé/wife is better looking than you. Does that leave you cold?
- Your friend plays soccer better than you. Can you handle that?
- Your sister does better in school than you. Does this affect you?
- Your younger brother can explain the Bible better than you. Do you feel bad about that?
- Others can afford a great vacation and post pictures every day. You stay home and have to work. Any envy?
Who finds it easy to look without envy when others have more, can do more, are more, know more, or do more? It's usually not so easy to put it away.
Envy pervades all areas of society. Be it politics, business, or sports. People try to outdo others; if they are better, they don't envy them. Even in our Christian communities, we are not protected from this ugly tendency of our old nature (called "flesh" in the Bible). We can even be jealous of one another's spiritual gifts and abilities. Alas!
Prevention Is Better Than Cure
We must maintain a grateful heart. A thankful heart helps us not to look at others with envy or resentment.
How do we manage not to be envious? Envy begins in the heart. This is another reason why it is essential to "guard the heart" (Prov 4:23). What are we occupied with? With all the good God has given me, or with envy for what others have?
We must keep a thankful heart. A grateful heart helps us not to look at others with envy and resentment.
When envy arises in the heart, we must immediately uproot it by confessing it to our Lord. Otherwise, envy takes root and becomes a great evil that harms us.