
The Greek term Hades, which is used in Mt 11:23; 16:18; Lk 16:23; Rev 1:18; 6:8; 20:13.14, corresponds to the term Sheol in the OT. This expression is used in Acts 2:27.31, where a passage from the OT is quoted (Ps 16:10). Hades refers to an invisible place or state, which is used in different ways depending on the context of the passage in question. It often describes the whereabouts of the deceased, whereby it was not yet revealed, especially in the OT, that there are different provisions for believers and unbelievers. Luke 16:19-31 makes this clear. Hades can be compared to a “waiting room” to hell. Ultimately, Hades, like death, will be thrown into the lake of fire (Rev 20:14).

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