
The Assembly 5 - Gathered to the Name of the Lord

  1. The assembly represents the unity of the "one body" (Ephesians 4:4) in the place where we live, namely through the one bread of which we eat (1 Corinthians 10:17). It is, therefore, good if we also publicly present the unity of the body of all the redeemed in every place where there are a certain number of brothers and sisters (Eph 4:3, 4; 1 Cor 10:16, 17).
  2. The Lord Jesus promised that where "two or three" are gathered to His name, He is in the midst. So it is not a matter of large numbers, but of coming together on the right basis in the right way (Mt 18:20; Eph 4:1-4).
  3. The apostle Paul wrote "to the assembly of God that is in Corinth" (1 Cor 1:2). In the narrower sense, this only included those believers who also lived in Corinth. This principle can certainly be interpreted more broadly and includes all those who took part in the meetings in Corinth.
  4. The emphasis on the "local assembly" with regard to the body of Christ, the house of God, and (with restrictions) the bride of Christ shows how important it is to God that the "local assembly" comes together. Someone who has to travel several kilometers "to" the local assembly will, therefore, have to consider whether the Lord does not want the local assembly to meet at this place.
  5. The prerequisite for this is that at least "two or three" can be gathered there and that one has the faith to be able to realize the truth of the "one body" even with "small numbers," not only for a short time.
  6. It is imperative that a newly emerging gathering starts “as assembly” in joyful fellowship with the neighboring assemblies. However, we must not overlook the fact that Antioch had already been an "assembly of God" for some time before others became aware of it (cf. Acts 11:18-30).
  7. The first Christians came together "in houses" and "in many places" (Acts 5:42; 9:31) - this emphasizes that large numbers were not required.
  8. These meetings were a testimony to unbelievers (Acts 2:47b, 8:4, 25), and from the preaching arose assemblies. Is it not the Lord's desire for this to happen in as many places as possible? In a time of decline, this is no longer possible in many places - but where it is, should we not seize this way of the Lord as an opportunity?
  9. The assembly, in particular, represents the pillars and foundations of the truth (1 Tim 3:15) and is, therefore, also a testimony for believers who want to recognize the truth about coming together for His name. Here, too, we may be a witness to others in the places where we live and come together.
  10. The assembly is a place where we also come together specifically (in addition to prayer and proclamation of the Word) to offer praise, thanksgiving, and worship to God (Ps 22:23; 35:18 and Acts 2:47). How wonderful when it happens from as many places as possible at the same time.
  11. There are also some practical considerations: It is easier to maintain or build fellowship with one another in "smaller" gatherings (Acts 2:42). As we can see from the book of Acts, smaller gatherings are conducive to the spiritual growth of individuals (Acts 11:19-24). Moreover, it is easier to shepherd a "smaller flock" than a larger one (1 Peter 5:2). And isn't it also the easier way in terms of the "financial" responsibility we have before the Lord and people?
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