The Assembly 4 - The Lampstand
Main idea: Testimony (in the place)
In the Old Testament:
- Already in the Old Testament, there is a lampstand in the sanctuaryName for the house or room that represented the dwelling place of God in the midst of his people in the OT. Used in the OT to describe and characterize... of the TabernacleThe Tabernacle is sometimes also called “the tent of meeting” or “the tent of testimony.” This was the place recognized by God where he dwelt among his people and wanted... (Ex 25:31-40).
- The lampstand was made of beaten gold, an image of divine glory and righteousness, which finds its perfect fulfillment in ChristA title of the Lord Jesus, which is also used as an epithet; Messiah (Hebrew) and Christ (Greek) mean "anointed one". The title refers to the fact that Jesus is... Jesus. The lampstand shines on itself - ChristA title of the Lord Jesus, which is also used as an epithet; Messiah (Hebrew) and Christ (Greek) mean "anointed one". The title refers to the fact that Jesus is... revealed his perfection by looking at himself. But it also illuminates the sanctuaryName for the house or room that represented the dwelling place of God in the midst of his people in the OT. Used in the OT to describe and characterize...: In the people of God / in the assemblyThe literal meaning is “called out”: • called out of "the darkness" (1. Pet 2:9)—this refers to the area where there is a lack of light about God Himself, His... of God dwells this perfectly righteous Lord.
- Israel was called at that time to be God's light bearers (Is 43:10).
In the New Testament:
- Shortly before the AssemblyThe literal meaning is “called out”: • called out of "the darkness" (1. Pet 2:9)—this refers to the area where there is a lack of light about God Himself, His... of God came into being, the Lord Jesus Himself spoke of us being His witnesses (Acts 1:8) - the AssemblyThe literal meaning is “called out”: • called out of "the darkness" (1. Pet 2:9)—this refers to the area where there is a lack of light about God Himself, His... of God replaces Israel as light bearers and witnesses on earth!
- The assemblyThe literal meaning is “called out”: • called out of "the darkness" (1. Pet 2:9)—this refers to the area where there is a lack of light about God Himself, His... of God is also referred to as the lampstand (Rev 1,20). The assemblyThe literal meaning is “called out”: • called out of "the darkness" (1. Pet 2:9)—this refers to the area where there is a lack of light about God Himself, His... is seen in its local character as a lampstand.
- Light shines into the darkness of this worldThe word is used with different meanings. It can mean the whole of humanity (Gen 41:57) or the created world (Rom 1:20), but also a moral system that is opposed.... Each individual is a light bearer and shines in the darkness (Mt 5:14; Phil 2:15).
- Every local assemblyThe literal meaning is “called out”: • called out of "the darkness" (1. Pet 2:9)—this refers to the area where there is a lack of light about God Himself, His... of God has the task of being a witness for God. This is their common responsibility (Rev 1:20).
- This "light" should shine in relation to
- to the Lord Jesus Himself
- to God Himself and to people, whether believers or unbelievers
- to the way to God for mankind.
- to the teaching about the assemblyThe literal meaning is “called out”: • called out of "the darkness" (1. Pet 2:9)—this refers to the area where there is a lack of light about God Himself, His... of God
- The Lord Jesus checks whether every local assemblyThe literal meaning is “called out”: • called out of "the darkness" (1. Pet 2:9)—this refers to the area where there is a lack of light about God Himself, His... gives light and lives in accordance with light (Rev 1:13; 2:1). If it permanently rejects this, He moves the lampstand away (Rev 2,4.5).
- In order to be able to shine, we need the Holy SpiritThe Holy Spirit is God, a divine person in the Trinity of God; in the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit works, for example, in creation or on individuals. The Holy... (Mt 25:1-8; Zech 4), who worksAnother word for deeds or actions. God's works are perfect (Gen 1:31), men's can be good works (Matt 5:16) or dead (Heb 6:1). On the basis of his works, unbelieving... in us.
- We are Christ's letter (2 Cor 3:1-3): a beautiful example is John the Baptist (Jn 5:31-36).
- There is a danger that human busyness (Mk 4:21: bushel) and sluggishness (bed) will obscure the light.
- The only faithful witness is the Lord Jesus himself (Rev 3:14).