
The Assembly 3 - The Bride

Main idea: Love and Submission

Essential characteristics:

  1. It is a relationship of the love of Christ (Ephesians 5:25).
  2. The bride is subject to Christ (Eph 5:24).
  3. The term "bride" shows us the purity and freshness of love (Rev 21,1-8).
  4. The expression "wife" shows us the depth and constancy of love (Rev 21,9).
  5. There is an earthly and a heavenly bride:
    1. The earthly bride is the people of Israel (Isa 62:5; 54:7, 8 and Hos 2:18- 22).
    1. The heavenly bride is the assembly (Mt 13:46 and Acts 20:28).
  6. The Assembly - precious pearl - was so precious to Him that He gave everything for it (Mt 13:46; Eph 5:25) -> indication of love.
  7. The pearl is the symbol of flawless beauty in unity, as is the bride (Eph 5:27).
  8. There are three areas of Christ's love for his bride:
    1. Past: He has loved her (Eph 5:25).
    1. Present: He is now purifying her for Himself (Eph 5:26). He nourishes (inwardly) and cares for (outwardly) her (Eph 5:29).
    1. Future: He presents them glorified to himself (Eph 5:27).
  9. At the marriage of the Lamb, the bride is given to Christ to share His glory for eternity (Rev 19,6-9).
  10. At the wedding, the bride will wear a dress characterized by the works of the saints (Rev 19,8). One garment - one bride; righteousness of the saints - every single act of faith.

Timeline (in part) until the marriage of the Lamb:

  1. Rapture (1 Thes 4:13-18)
  2. judgment seat of Christ (2 Cor 5:10; Rom 14:10; Rev 19:7)
  3. introduction into the Father's house (Jn 14:2,3)
  4. judgment of the false church (Rev 19:1.2)
  5. marriage of the Lamb (Rev 19:7)

Participants in the wedding:

  1. the Lamb = the Lord Jesus himself
  2. the Bride = all the truly redeemed of the time of grace
  3. the invited = all Old Testament believers (and probably also all children who have not died capable of making a decision, as well as believers who have never heard of Christ)
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