Introduction to Numbers
36 chapters
1. Author and Time of Writing
The Book of Leviticus and the Book of Numbers follow immediately after the Book of Exodus. The book of Numbers begins with the words, "And the Lord spake unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, in the tabernacle of the congregation, on the first day of the second month, in the second year after they were come out of the land of Egypt" (Compare Ex. 40:17).
The Lord Jesus includes the book of Numbers in His words when explaining to His disciples all that was written concerning Himself ("in the law of Moses, and the prophets, and in the psalms"; Luke 24:44).
2. Purpose of Writing
In Numbers, the history of Israel during the 40 years of wandering in the wilderness from Egypt to Canaan is described. It is a sad history of continual failure. The long period of 40 years was the punishment of God for the disobedience of His people, and it was not according to His counselThe counsel (purpose) of God is his plan. What God plans will happen. There is a counsel of God with his people Israel (Isa 46:10). This counsel has existed since....
The wandering in the wilderness is depicted in the New Testament as to take warning from the Christians (1 Cor. 10:1-22; Heb. 3-4). The wilderness is a picture of earthly circumstances wherein faith is tested.
The Levites and their service play an important role in this book. This should show us that the Christian is also responsible for revealing the testimony of ChristA title of the Lord Jesus, which is also used as an epithet; Messiah (Hebrew) and Christ (Greek) mean "anointed one". The title refers to the fact that Jesus is..., his Lord, in the worldThe word is used with different meanings. It can mean the whole of humanity (Gen 41:57) or the created world (Rom 1:20), but also a moral system that is opposed....
After receiving the law at Mount Sinaï, the people went through a census, repeated after the wandering in the wilderness (chaps 1 and 26). In chapters 1 to 10, instructions on the service and consecration of the Levites and the Nazarites precede the description of the journeying of the camps.
After a short time, the people reach the boundaries of the south of Canaan, and there, the twelve spies are sent forth. But ten spies have so little faith that they discourage the people and make them rebellious. God answers by punishing them: The people have to wander another 38 years in the wilderness until all (except for Joshua and Caleb) who have come out of Egypt have died (chaps 13 to 14).
Then follow the rising up of Korah (chaps 16 and 17), the failure of Moses and Aaron (ch. 20), and renewed murmuring of the people, and the plague of fiery serpents, where Moses had to erect the serpent of brass in chapter 21. The Lord Jesus mentions the serpent as a symbol of His death on the cross (John 3:14,15). Then Israel comes into contact with the enemy. First, they meet Balaam, who, according to the will of the Moabites, ought to condemn Israel but then has to bless it (chapters 22-25). After that, various people in the land of eastern Jordan were conquered until, at the end of Numbers, Israel finally arrived at the boundary river Jordan.
The book of Numbers finds its parallels in the New Testament in the Epistles to the Corinthians, which describes the order and the conduct of the assemblyThe literal meaning is “called out”: • called out of "the darkness" (1. Pet 2:9)—this refers to the area where there is a lack of light about God Himself, His... of God.
3. Peculiarities
a) Very little is mentioned about the nearly 40 years of wandering in the wilderness. In chapter 10:11, the camp sets forward for the first time on the twentieth day of the second month in the second year of the exodus from Egypt. In chapter 20:1, we read of the fortieth year (compare Aaron's death in chapter 20:28 with 33:38).
Different grave sins of individuals or the people of Israel as a company are mentioned:
- Murmuring of the people (chap. 11:1-2)
- Murmuring of the mixed multitude because of the manna (chap. 11:4-9)
- Miriam and Aaron's speaking against Moses (chap. 12:1-16)
- The ten spies bring an evil report of the land of Canaan (chaps. 13:31-14:10).
- Rising of Korah against Moses (chap. 16)
- Murmuring of the people at Meribah (chap. 20)
- The fiery serpent (chap. 21)
- Committing fornication with the daughters of Moab (chap. 25)
b) The instructions of the law in Numbers are in connection with the wandering in the wilderness and the failure of the people, such as:
- The law of the Nazarite (chap. 6) shows the desire for total commitment to God amidst a people who had departed from God.
- The water of cleansing (or the offering of the red heifer in chap. 19) is necessary because man is in constant danger of defilement.
4. Overview of Contents
I. Numbers 1:1 -10:10: The camp of the people of Israel at Sinaï
Chapter 1 Census of the People of Israel
Chapter 2 Order of Camping and Marching
Chapter 3 Separation and Numbering of the Tribe of Levi
Chapter 4 Instructions of Service for the Levites
Chapter 5 Laws of Uncleanness, Trespassing, and the Unfaithful Wife
Chapter 6 Law of the Nazarite
Chapter 7 Offerings of the Twelve Princes of Israel for the Dedicating of the AltarPlace of sacrifice, i.e., place where a sacrifice is made. The Old Testament knows both the personal erection and use of an altar (usually made of earth or stones) and...
Chapter 8 Light of the SanctuaryName for the house or room that represented the dwelling place of God in the midst of his people in the OT. Used in the OT to describe and characterize... and Dedication of the Levites
Chapter 9 PassoverPassover is translated as "sparing, passing by". It refers, on the one hand, to the Passover feast itself and, on the other, to the sacrifice, the Passover lamb (a foreshadowing... in the Wilderness: the Cloud as Guide of the People
Chapter 10:1-10 The Two Trumpets of Silver
II. Numbers 10:11-20:29: The 38 Years of Wandering in the Wilderness
Chapter 10:11-36 First Setting Forward of the Camp
Chapter 11 Murmuring of Israel because of the Manna and the Punishment of God; Appointment of 70 Elders
Chapter 12 Miriam's Speaking against Moses and her LeprosyLeprosy is a serious disease for which there used to be no cure in biblical times. It initially led to spots, but then to the death of limbs and finally...
Chapter 13 Sending out of the Twelve Spies
Chapter 14 Murmuring of the People and God's Punishment: the Forty Years of Wandering in the Wilderness
Chapter 15 Various Laws: Instructions for Offering in Canaan; Breaking of the SabbathThe last day of the week that God had set aside as a day of rest in the OT because He rested from His work after the 6-day work of...;
Chapter 16 Rising of Korah and his Punishment (compare Jude 11)
Chapter 17 Aaron is confirmed as High PriestIn the OT, the high priest was the "head" of the priests. Aaron was the first to be appointed to this office. The letter to the Hebrews makes it clear...
Chapter 18 Instructions for Levites and their PositionThe Christian position cannot be separated from Christian practice, but a distinction must be made. "Position" means how God sees us now. In the eyes of God, we are "in... in Israel
Chapter 19 Law of the Red Heifer or the Water of Purification
Chapter 20 Moses' SinThe Bible carefully differentiates between sin and sins. • Sin: the evil power at work in man that causes him to engage in sinful activities (Rom 7:17, 18). God pronounced...: the Death of Miriam and Aaron
III. Numbers 21-32: The Sojourning on River Jordan
Chapter 21 The Serpent of Brass (compare John 3:14); Victory over Sihon and Og
Chapter 22 Balak calls for Balaam to curse Israel
Chapter 23-24 Balaam's Four Parables of BlessingA blessing is something good, in the Old Testament, usually associated with possessions, prosperity, and health, and is usually pronounced over someone. In principle, the lesser is blessed by the... over Israel
Chapter 25 Fornication and Idolatry of Israel and the Zeal of Phinehas for Jehovah
Chapter 26 Second Numbering of the People of Israel
Chapter 27 The Daughters of Zelophehad; Joshua is Called to be Moses' Successor
Chapter 28-29 Offerings at the Feasts of Jehovah
Chapter 30 Laws of Vows
Chapter 31 Israel's Vengeance of the Midianites
Chapter 32 Two and a Half Tribes Beyond Jordan (Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh)
IV. Numbers 33-36: Retrospect and Forecast
Chapter 33 Israel's Route of Wandering
Chapter 34 Canaan's Boundaries
Chapter 35 Cities of the Levites and Cities of Refuge
Chapter 36 Daughters of Zelophehad and Law of Succession for Women